buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title The Wide Open Ecosystem style.css header class hero-section nav div class logo span Wide Open div class nav-links a Services href #services a Culture href #culture main section id services class ecosystem-section h1 Service Ecosystem div class flow-grid div class flow-card h3 Creative Direction p Shaping events and driving cultural innovation div class flow-arrow div class flow-card h3 Event Production p Creating immersive experiences and distribution channels div class flow-arrow div class flow-card h3 Merchandise Production p Extending experiences through exclusive products div class flow-arrow div class flow-card h3 Creative Consulting p Uncovering trends and strengthening expertise section id culture class value-section h2 Cultural Value Ecosystem div class value-grid div class value-card h3 Client Projects p Brand investments funding artist development div class value-card h3 Community/Artists p Creating opportunities for emerging talent div class value-card h3 Cultural Innovation p Driving creative growth and innovation footer nav class footer-nav a Services href #services a Culture href #culture script.js